Genre: Action Platformer with physic puzzle elements
Special feature: Hand drawn Graphics (fineliner drawing and then digitized)
Target platforms: PC, Mobile (iOS) & Console (X-Box & Switch)
Short Story:
Japan, 1565, these are troubled times. Many families are at war with one another and there is a constant risk of being drawn into conflict. Our daimyo "Tomo" tries to keep the peace but is preparing for the looming war, contrary to tradition, lets research into modern weapon systems.
The neighboring clan has long tried to gain power over the shogunate and provoked an armed conflict. The first fighter of the clan "Katsuro" has a secret affair with the wife of his master Kazumi and this must remain a secret under all circumstances. During a meeting between the two lovers, the opposing clan chief "Akuma" has Tomo attempted to murder. The wise daimyo "Tomo" dies and chaos breaks out. After the murder, the daimyo of the warring clan "Akuma" summoned an evil and demonic force to haunt our countries. Katsuro must now avenge the death of his master and defend the realm of his loved ones.
Currently we're looking for an publisher to work with us to bring our game to the players. if you're a publisher, please contact us via e-mail: